Governance Structure

The Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan (HEPP) is governed by an independent, 12-member Board of Trustees.

The Healthcare Employees' Benefits Plan (HEBP) is governed by an independent, 10-member Board of Trustees.

There is equal representation on each Board from healthcare-related unions in Manitoba and from Participating Employers.

The Trustees act on behalf of the beneficiaries of the Plans to manage the organization and to manage and invest the assets of the Plans. Trustees have a fiduciary duty to all beneficiaries of the Plans and are required to act with honesty, integrity, fidelity, selflessness, utmost good faith and must concentrate solely on the interests of beneficiaries.


Investment and Audit Committees

In support of fulfilling their responsibilities, each Board has established an Investment Committee and an Audit Committee and has appointed (non-Trustee) professionals to serve on both committees.

  • The HEPP and HEBP Investment Committees implement Statements of Investment Policies and Procedures established by the respective Boards.
  • The HEPP and HEBP Audit Committees assist the respective Boards in fulfilling their responsibility to oversee the financial reporting, accounting system, and internal controls.

The Joint Executive Committee and the Joint Governance Committee are standing committees of the Boards of both HEPP and HEBP, and act on their behalf.

Joint Executive Committee (JEC)

  • The JEC oversees operational issues of joint concern to the Plans. The Committee acts as a surrogate for the Boards between Board meetings, advising the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the management of the Plans and the conduct of his or her duties as required, reporting every action at the next meeting of the respective Boards.
  • The JEC consists of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the HEPP and HEBP Boards. The CEO participates in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity and other members of Senior Management may be asked to assist from time to time.

Joint Governance Committee (JGC)

  • The JGC provides recommendations to the Board regarding governance issues such as preferred qualification of candidates for appointment of Trustees; orientation and standards of performance for Trustees; and structure, responsibilities and composition of Board Committees.
  • The JGC consists of four members of each of the HEPP and HEBP Boards with equal representation of employer and union Trustees. The Chair of the JGC alternates each year between a member of the employer group and a member of the union group. The CEO participates in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity, and other members of Senior Management may be asked to assist from time to time.

The Boards have delegated responsibility for managing day-to-day operations to the CEO, who in turn delegates functions and responsibilities to management and staff as appropriate.

Professional advisors are retained by the Boards to assist them, as well as the CEO and management staff, to carry out their responsibilities.

Questions, concerns, or comments may be directed to the Executive Management at HEB Manitoba or to the Board directly, via “Board Correspondence.” The Boards have established policies for the handling of Board correspondence. Correspondence marked private or confidential will be delivered to the Trustee unopened. The Trustee facilitates a timely response for the correspondence received. Copies of all outgoing correspondence prepared on behalf of the Trustees is distributed to the entire Board and the recording secretary for record-keeping purposes.

© 2024 HEB Manitoba


Disclaimer - This website provides a basic overview of the Healthcare Employees' Pension Plan (HEPP) and the Healthcare Employees' Benefits Plan (HEBP) (collectively the HEB Manitoba Pension and Benefit Plans). Not all employers participate in all Plans. Please check your eligibility for benefits with your employer.

HEB Manitoba is a name notation registered by the Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan – Manitoba and the Healthcare Employees’ Benefits Plan – Manitoba and under which each of their respective undertakings is carried out.

The information on this website is for convenience of reference only and has no official sanction. View our full disclaimer here.